The National Education Society of Karnataka (Regd), Bangalore 560004
Accredited A Grade with a CGPA of 3.17 by NAAC

Department of Journalism

The Department of Journalism started in 2007. Initially for a year the Department was led by Prof. Neetu Sharma. After that  Dr. S. Jayasimha is heading the Department and he was supported by his colleague  Dr. H.B. Vaishali.

  • To produce a group of creative, conscientious and courageous young Journalists.
  • To make the students imbibe professional standards and ethical principles that guide media responsibilities.
  • To introduce students to the fundamentals of Journalism.The course includes lectures, text and practical experiencein the field.
  • To appraise the students of all the current and contemporary aspects of the subject.
  • To make the students to think critically, creatively and independently because good media writing depends on carefully analysing situations or issues and then finding effective ways to convey meaningful information to diverse audiences.
  • To make grammar, word usage and punctuation, so that writing can be ‘easily` designed


Fundaments of Communication and Journalism, Introduction to Mass Communication Media, Reporting Techniques, Editing Techniques, Electronic Media, Media Laws and Ethics, Advertising and Media Management and Public Relations.


The students are given a unique opportunity to take up research work and prepare a project work, not less than 1500 words, on any topic of their choice under the guidance of the Subject Expert/HOD of Journalism, and submit it to the Department.  A professional committee will be formed for the viva voce.

Apart from this the Department frequently conduct Guest Lectures, Seminars, Media Visits, Speaking contests etc.


DARPANA – News letter


The Department regularly conducts practical oriented programmes, interviews etc. It is working hard to establish a full-fledged and well equipped Media Lab/Studio.


Dr. Vaishali H BM.C.J., Ph.D.Assistant Professor & H.O.D



 Dr. S. Jayasimha, M.A., M.S., P.hD

                 Head of the Department.

 More than 20 years of experience.

  • Authored two books on Journalism and Public Relations.
  • Written and published nearly 90 books on various topic including research oriented scholarly study of Haridasa Literature of Karnataka.
  • Presented 2 Research papers

“Significance of House Journals”, This paper is published in the magazine of PR Society, Hyderabad Chapter. and,

“Power of Public Relations”.  This paper is published in the

magazine brought out by PR Society, Bangalore Chapter.

  • About 50 Research Papers on various topics including
  • Haridasa Literature of Karnataka.


  • Recipient of several Awards.

To name a few:

  • Best Teacher and Life Time Achievement Award

from Garden City College, Bangalore.

  • Peninsular PR Award from Public Relations Society of India.
  • KuvempuSahithya Award. Sir M. Vishwweswariah Award,
  • UdayabhanuSahithya Award. etc.


  • Delivered lectures on Journalism, Public Relations at

BMS College for Women, Basavanagudi, Bangalore and

MES College of Arts and Commerce, Malleswaram, Bangalore.

  • Delivered more than 100 lectures in several cultural, Literary and spiritual organisations all over India.

Dr. H.B. Vaishali

Asst. Professor.

M.A., Ph.D.

  • Joined the Department in 2022
  • She was a Gold Medallist in Master Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from Mangalore University.
  • Obtained her Ph.D. from Mangalore University on ‘Women Journalists in Indian Media – A case study of Bangaluru`, in 2018.
  • Presented and published many research papers in various College across the country.
  • Freelance writer for newspapers and web journals.
  • Several Students Joined both Print and Electronic Media>
  • Few are in New Media, Web Journals.
  • Nayana Tara, Successfully completed Masters in Mass Communication and Media Studies. Working in Infosys, Bangalore.
  • AmruthaBhaskar, Successfully Completed Masters in Journalism in UK, securing highest Marks.
  • Manoj Kumar, working in Deccan Herald.
  • Chidananda, Working in Kannada Prabha.
  • Rahul Dev, Directing Documentary Films.
  • Padminiand PoojaRaju  successfully performed leading roles in serials and films.