The National Education Society of Karnataka (Regd), Bangalore 560004
Accredited A Grade with a CGPA of 3.17 by NAAC

Department of English

The National College, Jayanagar was founded in 1965.

The Department of English, as a part of the faculty of Humanities, was established with the inception of the college in 1965. Having been motivated and guided by the inspiring intellectual tradition set by all the respectable previous HODs and members of the Department of English who played a pivotal role in the development and growth of the Department, Prof. Adkoli Bharati Narayan has taken over as the Head of the Department of English on 6th June 2013. Since then, the Department has been striving towards all round development of the Department, with the objective of integrating the value of old world scholarship, with vibrancy of the present. The faculty of the Department of English is comprised of qualified, competent and considerate teachers, who are committed to teaching, who have always been there as mentors for guiding and advising, coaching the needy (below average) students in times of need. All the members of the Department of English avail of the opportunities to attend Seminars, Workshops and Refresher Courses for the purpose of updating knowledge, improving their Academic excellence to reach the expectations of the students as well as the higher authorities respectively.


Dr. C. VijayalakshmiM.A.,Ph.D.Assistant Professor & H.O.D
Smt. V ChitraM.A. M.PhilAssistant Professor
Ms. Varalakshmi
M.A. Assistant Professor
Nandini MadhusudhanM.A. Assistant Professor

Courses Offered at UG Level

At the Under Graduate level the study of General English is compulsory for B.A./ B.Sc./BCA/B.Com. courses. All the students of degree classes study General English as a compulsory subject in the first two years of their program (I, II, III, & IV Semesters). Following the Bangalore University guidelines under CBCS scheme, to meet the requirements of the heterogeneous group of students in all streams, in concurrence with the BOS(Board Of Studies) and the approval of the Academic counsel, Bangalore University General English syllabus with moderate changes has been prescribed, but the Evaluation Pattern has been designed by the Department and approved by the BOE(Board Of Examiners) members. General English syllabus with the Evaluation Pattern across the streams would be revised, restructured, designed and scrutinized by the BOS and BOE regularly and periodically in keeping with the changing trends and requirements of the learners. General English Text book is comprised of two parts as Course Book and Work Book, the study of which is complementary to each other, the objective of which is to enrich the thinking and to provide useful insights into human behavior and also to improve the writing and interpretive skills of the students. Optional English Course has been introduced in 2006, which has definitely strengthened the Department Academically. There is a very good response from those students who have passion and aptitude for literature and a flare for creative writing, who want to pursue Masters in Literature. Optional English students study the Course Materials prepared by the Department along with other text books approved by the BOS, in the first two years. However, in the final year, the Bangalore University syllabi is prescribed to enable our students to compete with their counterparts studying in Non-Autonomous colleges affiliated to Bangalore University. The prescribed Optional English Syllabus of all Semesters has the objective of acquainting our students with the History of British Literature, with the Developments in Contemporary Indian Literature, Post Colonial Literary theories and Criticism. It is hoped that the prescribed curriculum would create familiarity with certain concepts, which might support more extensive study at the higher level. Department of English offers a course on Basic Communication Skills in English with the objective of enhancing communication skills among the students. Well equipped Language Lab has been established in 2011-12 with the support of our Management – NES Karnataka (Reg). Under CBCS scheme ‘Communicative English’ has been made a mandatory course for V and VI semester B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./BCA students. This has really been helping our students to acquire the need based language skills. Under the III part of the CBCS System all the III semester B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./BCA students would study “Spoken English” based on their choice which focuses on the slogan “English for all purposes”. Effective English Speaking course has been introduced for the I semester B.A. students to train the learners in the use of spoken and written language skills. Bridge Courses and Remedial classes are conducted to help the below average/weak students, who can help themselves to practice and use Language skills. Department of English conducts on a regular basis Debate Competition, Impromptu Speech Competition and Essay writing Competition. The students are encouraged and motivated to take part in the above competitions at the Intercollegiate and National levels. End Semester Main Examinations and Supplementary Examinations (Odd and Even Semester), Two Internal Tests and One Assignment and Attendance form a part of the Evaluation Pattern formulated by our Autonomous Institution which is followed by the Department of English also. Teachers use Lecture method, in keeping with the requirements, make use of Language Lab, use OHP, PPT and Slide presentation to make the learning /teaching process interesting and meaning full. Time and again meetings are held in the Department (apart from BOS and BOE) for the discussion of academic matters which might help teachers and learners. All the same, all the members of the Department of English are the members of different committees who are entrusted with different portfolios, who sincerely assist the smooth functioning of the administration. The Department of English plays a vital role in any college; it is the only Department where in the teachers meet all the students of the college. The significance of English as a language is a recognized fact and in this college, the Department of English has been functioning to the expectations of students satisfactorily.